We would love to provide you with some amazing news about our journey through Australia, but even after one and a half months we are still in Gayndah! And yes we are still picking mandarins aswell. (Picture below: Paul at work)
We can't really say that we've been up to a lot since we work 6 days a week from 6:30am to 4:30pm, and then, after we came home, we hardly have enough time to cook our dinner before the darkness sets in and we have to make our way to our sleeping bags... Life's not easy for a picker. (Picture below: our view during the last 2 months...)
That all sounds a bit negative, but we are still having a good time! We had nice (but very noisy) French (-Canadian) colleagues, and the best boss you can imagine! Every now and then he and Jenni invite us over for a "smoko" (coffee break), with loads of selfmade cakes and cookies. Selma (Jenni's mother) takes good care of us aswell! We won't forget our sunscreen or 4l waterbottles for sure! (Picture below: the fancy caravan park, can you find our tent?)
Our original plan was to stop working after today, but our car has been a troublemachine lately! It's a complicated story but right now its at the auto electrician and we're hoping to have it fixed sometime next week! After that we go to Brisbane for a few days, and then we'll start the huge journey back to Western Australia!
On our rare days off we've been to Childers a few times. Childers is a town which is hardly any bigger than Gayndah, but at least our bank has a branch there and the internet is a lot cheaper... It is a big drive though, so most days off we just spend at the caravan park, washing our clothes and cleaning the tent! We've been to Bundaberg two times. Bundaberg is a lot bigger than Gayndah, but we didn't see much of it (yet?), because we were busy booking our returnflights back to Europe there! We've got them now, and on the 26th of july we fly from Perth to Singapore, then we spend 4 days shopping/relaxing and on the 30th we fly back to Amsterdam! (Picture below: Berrie at work with "our" Massey Ferguson tractor)
But, before the end of july we hope to see a lot more of this big country. We're hoping to do an Outback tour, to visit Uluru and the King's Canyon. We're not sure yet if our timeschedule will allow us to do so, because we still have 1000s of kilometers to drive in the coming 2 months!
One last thing; we killed 5 mice in our tent over the last weeks! It's cruel, but they're very cruel too (eating our cheese and bread, and shitting all over the place (including our clean dishes))! Here is the proof:
All right, that was it for the moment, hopefully we'll be in Brisbane soon! They have 24h internet cafes there, so there will be no excuse for us not to update the blog with much more exciting news than this time!
See ya!
Distance travelled as of 29/05/2008: 16.500km+
By working all day in the sun I bet you guys are very tanned right now! And that mouse is so fuzzy and adorable; can't imagine you killing it! WAIT A MINUTE! Berrie!!! :O You are a vegetarian!!! OMG! You hypocrite! :P
O Berrie I missed you so much on that special evening that used to be "our" night. I'll give you a hint: the former yugoslavian republic of macedonia! Well I hope next year we'll be sitting next to eachother with Wieneke (and Paul!), giving points to France, Sweden and of course Holland!
Well I'm glad that you guys are actually coming back to Holland and I hope I can come to pick you up at the airport! (I'm trying to book Glennis Grace for singing "a moment like this" when you step out of the plane! :P)
I hope your car will be fixed soon and you will entertain us with some last stories about Australia!
Lots of big kisses,
gatver, maken jullie er ook nog een foto van haha!
Ik hoop dat jullie nog 2 hele leuke maanden hebben! Maar daar zit ik niet over in haha.
Ik ben lekker klaar met examens!
Liefs Dana
Hey guys!
wow, you're still working I see. And god, you two are making long days there.
I bet you're looking forward to take the journey to West Australia back.
well, I'm slowly looking forward to the day you come back here! It's been a long time, and at the same time it feels like it was just a couple of days.
enjoy the last weeks in Australia, making sure you end this wonderful year with a Big Bang!
es ist so schön, wieder was von euch zu hören.
ihr pflückt also immer noch mandarinen... ich hoffe, euer auto ist bald wieder in ordnung und ihr könnt eure reise durch australien fortsetzen. und außerdem hoffe ich natürlich für euch, dass ihr in den letzten beiden monaten noch so viel wie möglich von dem schafft, was ihr euch vorgenommen habt.
ich wünsch euch weiterhin eine schöne zeit!
ganz liebe grüße, michele
hey hey,
So you are still working, that explains the silence ;):P.
Those are quite long days in the sun, but it is probably worth it.
I do hope you get to see more of australia the next months on you're way back to Perth.
And then you are coming back again. YAY! too bad for you two I guesse ;).
Well, have fun, hope the car will start working again.
Hey Guys! Some dissapointing stories this time ha? Noo just joking, you have great vooruitzichten (wat is dat in hemelsnaam in het engels?)!! As I read Nico's comment, I remembered me watching that great night too and when I was watching it, I had to think about you all the time Berrie! Anyway, to Nicolette: you don't have to ask Glennis, I already asked her when Berrie and I were camping on the same campsite with her ;) Maybe you should ask one of the other great singers who are friends of you ;)
Hey bytheway Ber, very funny that you wrote your letter exactly on my birthday! Even funnier: you forgot that it was my birthday hahaha but I was glad about that, cause I forgot yours also ;)
Well I also wrote you a email so I'll say goodbye for now, love and kisses, from Lé
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