Wednesday, 27 February 2008

From a library in New South Wales, Australia

(Picture: a row of plumtrees, after all the plums had been picked...)

It's been a while since we've let you know something about us, but here we are again! It won't be much though, as we haven't been up to much since we left Melbourne. Well, that's not true, the better way to say it is that we haven't been up to things that make interesting blog entries!

We currently stay in Young, New South Wales, where we have been picking plums for the last 1,5 week. Plumpicking is hard work, but when we stayed in Canberra and had a look at the balance on our bank account, we realized that we would need to work very soon, hard or not!

So we picked a lot of plums! But yesterday the plumpicking came to a sudden end, only 1,5 hour after we started (very early...) someone told us to stop picking and come to the end of our rows, where we were told that the plums are not good enough this year (nobody wants to buy them) and that the plumpicking would stop immediately!

We are now looking for a new job (probably picking apples, pears or oranges) somewhere not too far from Young and Sydney, because as soon as we have enough money, our first stop is going to be Australia's best-known city: Sydney.

On the way to Young we've travelled the Australian Alpine High Country, which was a special experience! It had a strange Irish/Norwegian feeling to it, which you obviously wouldn't expect in Australia! At some point we even had to stop because the road was full of brown/white cows! We stayed at several campsites through Australia's high country and absolutely loved the quietness and peace, after our stay at the not-too-amazing Melbourne campsite...

(Picture: Australian Alpine High Country)

Next on our journey was Canberra, Australia's capital! Canberra is probably different from all other capitals in the world, as the city has been designed by an American architect, so everything is planned. No unexpected little streets or cozy small town squares, but big (boring) buildings, wide streets and, above all, loads of trees which gives you the feeling you're not really in a city. The HUGE shopping center was so huge that we didn't like it (which says more than it might seem). The National Museum of Australia was, in contrast to the rest of Canberra, very interesting and very nice!

(Picture: Paul in front of the National Museum of Australia)

Looking back, we didn't really give Canberra a good chance. Even before we went there, we already knew that Canberra would be boring, as everybody said so (even the Lonely Planet hints at this), so we were not to eager to discover the city.

Anyway, another very interesting visit (after Canberra) was our visit to Cowra's Japanese Garden. Especially Paul loved it to bits, it created some kind of Asian obsession for him! Planned by a worldfamous Japanese garden architect and perfectly well maintained, the rolling gardens were very pleasing for our eyes.

(Picture: the Japanese Garden)

A similar visit was the one to Young's Chinese Tribute Garden. It's much smaller, but it looks very nice aswell.

(Picture: the Chinese Tribute Garden)

That was about it for now, we know it isn't much but it's all there is! No, it isn't. We found another piece of Europe in Australia that managed to awake emotional memories for us, we found ALDI! We've been to 3 ALDI stores now, and even bought an ALDI shopping bag to show off in all Woolworth's and Coles' we visit! This is Berrie posing with the ALDI bag:

See ya next time!

Sorry, no kilometercounter this time, we forgot to check...


Unknown said...

Dear Berrie and Paul,

Nice, a new update with some nice pictures, good to see you again.
But B and P, you mentioned last time, that you would change the picture of your Blog... I still see those (too) rich "lady's" on top of your Blog. Please get rid of those S.G. and add a nice picture of Australia...
To bad nobody will eat those delicious plums!! Anyway, I hope you will find another job soon.
Here everything is fine. We had a lovely weekend on Texel with the Eelmannetjes. Sammie also was very happy!
Spring is on it's way! Lots of springflowers everywhere. And now and then beautiful weather.
Well, have a lot of fun, take care. I hardly can't wait to open your present on saterday Berrie!!
xxxx love, mama/Ineke.

Anonymous said...

hey ho paul :D son mist dass ihr nicht weiter arbeiten konntet -aber ihr findet bestimmt was neues!

yeah ALDI - super erinnerung an eure heimat ;D gibt echt nichts besseres ^^

ich frag mich aber immernoch wieso du wieder deine alte brille trägst :P
jo hier geht mal wieder die schule ab - verpasst also nichts :P

wünsch euch noch schöne wochen in down under ;D grüß den berrie ^^

bye bye

Unknown said...

Hi guys,
Spring is indeed coming here bit by bit (though with some hesitation, but still..) Im already looking forward to it, especially when I see your pictures. Too bad you had to quit you plum picking job, but perhaps youll now find a job as good as your first one! You never now! Me going in the same direction as you becomes likier and likier. I have been 'conditionally' accepted for studying in Hong Kong for a semester, which basically means Im in! :D Perhaps I can finally check out your lovely pictures myself! Have fun the coming weeks!
Love, Wieneke

Anonymous said...

Hello u two!:]

Sorry to hear your "amazing" plum job is over now! haha But im sure it will stay in your hearts!;]

And i think my twin should start a new career..he could be one of those presenters in those shows which are selling stuff. bet everyone would buy that ALDI bag!:P

Take good care of yourselves!

Unknown said...

lievelieve Berrie!

Weer een super stukje! Mooie foto's en ik heb gewoon zin om ook te kamperen als ik jou daar zie staan met je aldi tas en jullie tent op de achtergrond! Samen nachtje in de tuin kamperen als we beide weer terug zijn? :P

Veel plezier de komende tijd en ik baal ook verschrikkelijk, want de SPice Girls komen dus ook niet naar China....
ik heb een baantje en heb dus de komende 7 weken ook weer wat te doen. Moet ook wel, want mijn geld is ook bijna op!

Liefs! xxxx

Anonymous said...

I absolutely looove the aldi picture :D Fits perfectly in our Morphis campaign!

At this moment time is flying and I'm in the middle of the busiest en the most difficult semester of this year so I'm really on a "no life" trail right now! (is this a good way to say what I mean? Well it sounds good!)

O and then there is the fact that I failed my driving examination. I did the new examination so it was new for me but also for my instructor. It turned out to be a little bit more difficult than he'd expected. Nothing bad happened and I drove very well but the tasks that the examinator gave me were so new to me that I wanted to do them, as he said, "too good". So I failed because of that! But I'll give it another try in a couple of weeks :)

I hope you will find a new job soon! You are probably very tanned because of working in the sun in contract with my white skin! I'm dying to get some sun!!!

Well this was my update on YOUR blog so that's a bit selfish but I hope other people won't mind (A)


Anonymous said...


Ihr erlebt ja wirklich viel in Australien!
Hoffentlich findet ihr bald einen neuen Job, sonst ist es vorbei mit in Shopping-Center gehen... (wie kann ein Shopping-Center zu groß sein?!).

Tut mir leid, dass ich bisher noch nicht so oft kommentiert habe, aber ich lese immer alles. =)

Take care and have fun!


Anonymous said...

Ber! Veeel te lang niets van me laten horen (shame shame)! Maar wat werd ik gelukkig met die laatste foto, zoooo BurBerrie!! :D Ga binnenkort die vette MasterbatorPoster van ons ook in Groningen ophangen :) Als ik jullie verhalen zo lees heb ik echt vet zin om je weer te zien! Maar wat ik me eigenlijk al heeeeel lang afvroeg: Wie schrijft nou telkens die toffe verhalen van jullie? Paul of jij of beide? En als je terug komt spreek je toch wel met een enorm accent he, dat vind ik zo leuk :D
Nou doeg lieve Ber, wil je me excuseren voor Paul dat ik dit in het Nederlands schreef?

Love you, Leoni

Anonymous said...

hallo ihr beide!
bin ein bisschen spät.. aber hier trotzdem noch mein kommentar dazu. ;)
hoffe, ihr habt mittlerweile einen neuen job gefunden. bin gespannt zu hören, was ihr jetzt macht.
und schöne fotos wieder! wenn ich euch jetzt welche aus dem guten alten sachsen zeigen würde, würdet ihr eine verschneite landschaft sehen - wie's wohl momentan an vielen orten deutschlands aussieht. lol
ganz liebe grüße, die michele

Anne said...

Jaaaa!! ik vond jullie blog! :D Geweldig om te lezen hoe t met jullie gaat :)
ow... maybe I should be typing in english.. (a) sorry.
It's great to know you guys are still having a great time all the way over there ^^
Well.. it must be wonderful to see al those things in real life, i already love the pictures, and reality must be even better :)
Hope to hear from you guys soon again :) Have fun!
