Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Tennisballs, Dogtoys, the locals and Premium Pilsener

We made it!
The stay at the Singapore Airport was interesting in many different ways. Starting with posh and exclusive fancy designer stores with no customers at all and three shopkeepers to an old dutch woman who totally fascinated by a high-tech asian invention. It was a projection of loads of tennisballs on the floor, and when you stepped on them, they were moving! WOW! She kept on pushing us to give it a try and she was all happy when we finally did it. To excuse her enthusiasm, she cried out loud: "Everyone loves doing this!" Even tho nobody else seemed to care.... Well we didnt do anything else apart from walking through the airport. We expected some exotic plants and colours, and no - they did not disappoint us at all! (Picture: Berrie discovering the lavish jungle of Singapore Airport)

Well after half an hour of checking the airport and refreshing in the toilets, we sat down on luxurious leather couches surrounded by oase-ish plants. We loved the clean airport, but one woman just took it too far. She was cleaning the carpet (always with a smily face of course), even when there was no dirt! Amazing! Oh well, the boarding went very well up until the point, where we had to fill out a dramatic declaration form that we are not importing something dangerous! But Berrie freaked out because of a few questions as he carried hiking shoes (including soil(with potential diseases)) and animal equipment (dog toys), which were (according to the declaration thing) not allowed to be brought to Australia. The flight itself then went very well. It took another 5 hours. In the end, all the drama about the hiking shoes and toys were for nothing, because the things went through the scan without a problem and we only got asked who was the owner of some very dangerous chocolate balls. We soon then found Henk Jan in the waiting crowd. Well we then carried our luggage onto his Pick-up car and drove on the left side to Gevers mansion.

Even though we felt exhausted we were overwhelmed by new impressions: Australia smells different, Australia looks different, Australia feels different - Australia is different! But in a good way! The place where Henk Jan, Paula, Jonathan, Annelies and their 3 dogs live is amazing, and we even have our own, little separate cottage! Henk Jan guaranteed us we don't have to worry about spiders, yet we still had a hard time closing the curtains in the evening: potential spider places everywhere. We experienced Henk Jans amazing cooking skills when we had dinner, but it was hard to keep our eyes opened much longer so we went to bed pretty early. 17 hours of sleep followed! Yes, seventeen that is. Afterwards we heard Jonathan had been waiting all day and even rang his mum to ask whether he should wake us; he wanted to do something with us. (Picture: Paul in the garden of Henk Jans house)

The day was pretty much over by now, we had our nice little Spice Girl posing time on the trampoline and took a little walk around the place, it was then when we met Josh. He's living in the same street and offered to drive us through Perth and show all the nice places later on, which we'd love to obviously! After we came back from the walk we had dinner, watched some TV and had some german beer. Paul felt like home drinking the best imported Pilsener that you can get in Australia. At least the label said so. But indeed it was very good. We also had a nice chat with the family and then decided to update the blog for everyone at home. Now everyone went to bed (it's nearly 11pm) and we're still sitting at the computer. (Picture: An impression of the scenery, taken during our walk)

We hope you did get a nice impression of our first day, we enjoyed the first hours down-under very much. We are going to bed now, too, Bye Bye!


Anonymous said...

hooi allebei!
ooh wat leuk allemaal! wat mooi dat jullie het naar de zin hebben! en die 17 uur slapen hadden jullie ook wel nodig natuurlijk!! Wat lief van johnatan dat ie zo graag wat wou doen haha! Jullie liggen nu vast lekker te slapen!
nou doei!

VegaPunk said...

Hey guys!

Nice update! For one moment I had the feeling that I was on journey with you.
Looks like you already have experienced a lot of amazing things, and I think there will be many, many, many more!

Enjoy your rest and see you on the next update!


Anonymous said...

schön zu wissen, dass ihr gut angekommen seid :D down-under hört sich jetzt schon richtig genial an, obwohl ihr rest ein paar stunden dort seid, macht einen ja fast ein wenig neidisch :P
LOL hoffe das bier kommt an das deutsche ran :D

Unknown said...

Hi guys!
Good to hear that you had a pleasant flight! Im still totally jalous at you two, being in beautiful Australia. Good luck with the enormous spiders over there :P
xx Wieneke

Anonymous said...

Hoi B en P,

goed om te lezen dat jullie het naar de zin hebben!
Het ziet er allemaal fantastisch uit.
En jullie kunnen het beeldend verwoorden.
Ben nieuwsgierig naar het vervolg.


Unknown said...

Berrie mn jongen!

Mooi dat je zo enthousiast bent! Marlee heeft me via skype je mooie uitnodiging voor je afscheidsfeest laten zien: sipce girls are the best! Jullie blog is geweldig! Ik kan er niet altijd opkomen omdat china jullie site blokkeert (ja, jullie zijn heel gevaarlijk natuurlijk), maar via een omweggetje met een "anonieme server" kan ik jullie berichten lezen! Deze server is alleen wel fucking vaak overloaded, maar goed, nu eindelijk je bericht gelezen!

Heel veel plezier daar, en doe australie de groeten! Ik ben benieuwd naar al je volgende avonturen!

Ik heb hier ondertussen en lek in de keuken, en mn water is nu afgesloten dus kan ik even niet douchen of wat dan ook (gelukkig wel de wc doorspoelen). Nouja, ik moet nu snel naar school! Phylosphy/Literature, en dan hopelijk mn lek laten repareren door de loodgieters hier!

Heeeeel veel liefs,

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys!
Wooow sounds soo great man! When I read your nice story's I really get the feeling that I'm a little bit with you, very nice :D
Well I don't have such interesting stories to tell you people, as I'm just living in boring Holland ;)
Wish you again much luck andso :D

Love! Leoni :)

Unknown said...

Hello Berrie and Paul!!
So nice to read what happens! I read it like a good book, but this is for real ofcourse. I hope to find a new message soon. Have a very good time.

Anonymous said...

I still don't have the feeling that your journey has started but the pictures are convincing ;)
Looks like everything is going great there and I hope to see much more pictures of you in the bushbush of Australia!

Anonymous said...

das hört sich alles verdammt großartig an!! (immer noch ein wenig neidisch - jetzt eigentlich erst recht. ;)) bin gespannt wie's so weitergeht bei euch. kaum zu glauben, dass ihr grad am anderen ende der welt seid.

Anonymous said...

paaaaaaaaaaaaul, sollte ich mal den drang verspüren, dir ne mail zu schreiben, soll man dann die tascali-adresse nehmen? ^^

hop dia liep :D

Anonymous said...

Wow, das hört sich total genial und aufregend an. *bisschen neidisch ist* Hoffentlich geht's so toll für euch weiter, aber ich bin mir da ziemlich sicher. ;)
Ich freu' mich schon auf das nächste Update. =)

Anonymous said...

Hallo Berry en Paul,
bedankt voor de goede wensen
Gelezen en gehoord dat jullie het naar de zin hebben en onderweg zijn naar het "verre" oosten!

hartelijke groeten,

oma en opa

Enschede, 02-01-08