Monday, 10 September 2007

October 8!

On October 8, Paul Petermann and Berrie van der Molen will start the journey of their lifes! The German/Dutch couple's going to spend 9 months in Australia, working to fund their journey, travelling to see all the amazing things Australia has to offer and... hopefully to see the Spice Girls perform in Sydney during their Reunion World Tour!
We will update our profile very soon, telling you everything about our plans!

For now, we're leaving you with the Dutch AussieUpdate promotion card, which Berrie will hand out to his guests on his goodbyeparty!

You'll hear from us in no time, watch this space and please join us on our lifechanging journey!
Paul & Berrie


Anonymous said...

Hello Paul and Berrie,

I'm so happy to hear that there are even fans who travel all the way to Australia to see us, the spicegirls, perform again!

You go boys!


Unknown said...

Ooooo Berrie!
Je hebt zelfs al een berichtje van Victoria op je site! :O
Doe je goed ;)

Unknown said...

OK het valt ook niet op dat ik dit 2 minuten na "Victoria's" publicatie er neerzet... (A)

Maar ik wilde gewoon even je site wat oppimpen met interessante berichtjes

Anonymous said...

So now you both know exactly when you'll leave. I have to admit I'm still a bit jealous, I'd want to go, too! ;)
I hope you'll be having a great time in Australia and I'm looking forward to your blogs. And until then: Paul, I hope we will meet on msn at least once before you go.

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys!

Aunty Gerla here......
Nice site and we hope to read a lot about your adventures down-under......

Anonymous said...

oeiiii morgen al! =O
have fun, xx

Anonymous said...

gokje, afscheidsfeestje is al geweest? mm nou ja zoals ik al zei, veel plezier :]

Anonymous said...

Hele goede reis morgen...
Genieten hè!

Liefs Jellie

Anonymous said...

Hey Ber&Paul! Looks very good this site! I'm looking forward to your exiting messages! Have so much fun guys but please don't forget to come back next year ;)

Much Love, Leoni

Bianca said...

He Paul en berrie,jullie staan op dit moment nog op schiphol maar nog even en dan op down under.
Hier nog even wat gegevens die ik nog bij je door de bus zou gooien(SORRY).
Sjaak en Angie de Jong
Lot 101,Wildwood Road
De wijngaard heet Gunyulgup
Heel veel plezier,geniet ervan.
Veel liefs Bianca

Benjamin said...

heeeeeey probably you're sitting in the plane right now :D

hope you enjoy the flight ;)


Unknown said...

Hallo jongens!!!
Even een reactie op jullie site. Zonet hebben wij gebeld met Henk Jan en Paula. Ze lagen helaas al op bed, erg sneu, maar jullie worden morgen van het vliegveld gehaald hoor. Veel plezier in Hernehill, tot horens!!!

VegaPunk said...

Hey Berrie & Paul!

Are you're legs getting numb already during the long flight?

You are probably enjoying yourself with a movie or a videogame or something like that.

I'm looking forward to your first update with hopefully a picture of you two between some nice kangaroo-dudes! :)
